Hiking Survival Kit • Lightweight & Essential for Every Hike

Reading Time: 10 minutes

No hike should be taken without the safety net of a well-packed hiking survival kit. Every hiker must prepare for the worst and the unexpected while on the trail, so being equipped with lightweight essentials is key to both safety and comfort in any situation.

Outdoor Adventures lake in front of mountains

The items in your pack may vary depending on the terrain and how long you plan to be out, but some of the most important items to include are a first aid kit, navigation tools, proper clothing, and protection from the elements (sunscreen, rain gear), as well as plenty of water and snacks.

With these essentials in tow, you can tackle anything that comes your way with confidence! So come on out onto the trail – just make sure you pack your hiking survival kit first!

The Joys Of Backpacking.

For avid hikers, there’s nothing quite like the joy of backpacking. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced hiker, every single journey presents its unique challenges and rewards. No matter what level of hiker you are, it is essential that you equip yourself with the right gear before embarking on your next outing.

Hiking Survival Kit: Carry One On Every Hike

When adventuring in nature’s wilds, be prepared for anything you may encounter. A hiking survival kit can make all the difference between a safe and successful trip, and one that ends in disaster.

hiking survival kit

A comprehensive hiking survival kit is like an insurance policy; it pays off when you need it. It should include these essentials, such as a first aid kit, a fire starter, purification tablets, a map and compass, and other items that can help in an emergency.

The key is to find the right balance between having enough supplies to keep you safe when faced with adversity, and still staying light and agile on the trail.

My advice is to always carry a hiking survival kit with you when embarking on your next outdoor excursion. With the right supplies, you’ll be better prepared for whatever nature may throw at you. And in doing so, you’ll ensure that your hikes are as safe and enjoyable as possible.

A Backpack With Built-In Hydration Pack To Hold Your Emergency Kit

The perfect backpack for any outdoor adventure should be lightweight, yet strong and durable. It should feature adjustable straps so it can accommodate a variety of body sizes, and breathable mesh material to keep you comfortable while on the trail.

A built-in hydration pack is essential – this will ensure that your emergency kit is always within reach when you need it.

It should also have side pockets and compartments to store all of the necessary items for survival, including a flashlight, knife, map and compass, energy bars, and extra clothes.

With these features, you can be sure that you will never be unprepared for any situation on your hikes!

Number Of Days

No matter the length of your hike, always pack essentials for survival. Whether you’re going out for one day or multiple days, having items like a shelter and sleeping bag can make a big difference on the trail.

It’s best to prepare for as many days as you think necessary—just in case something unexpected happens.

To be sure, you should bring enough food and supplies for at least an extra day or two than what you plan to be out. That way, if adventure finds you, you’ll be ready!

An Emergency Whistle Must Be Part Of Your Hiking Survival Kit

Silver Whistle

The sound of a whistle carries much farther than the human voice, so if you should ever find yourself in a critical situation while out on the trail, using this simple tool could be the difference between life and death. It can help alert others nearby, who may not have seen you or heard your shouts, of your presence and may help to find you quickly.

Likewise, it can also be used to scare away animals if needed. A whistle is a small but powerful item for hikers of all levels, so make sure that your hiking survival kit always includes one!

As the great John Muir said: “In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.”

Bivy Sacks

Ah, the bivy sack. A piece of equipment for every hiker looking to explore the wild and rugged landscapes of our beloved Earth.

Developed from military-style sleeping bags, these sacks protect from the elements, making them an indispensable item in any hiker’s survival kit.

Whether you’re camping out with friends or alone on a one-person adventure, bivy sacks offer the ultimate shield from wind and rain so you can rest easy after a long day of hiking.

Get ready to explore with peace of mind knowing that your trusty bivy sack is at the ready!

Pack A Thermal Blanket In Your Hiking Survival Kit

These compact and blankets can provide you with lifesaving warmth in an emergency. Not only that, but they also make great picnic blankets on clear days!

With a thermal blanket stowed away in your kit, you’ll be able to strike out into the wilderness knowing that you have comfort and safety just within reach.

No matter how short or long you plan to be out hiking, it’s always important to be prepared for the unexpected. A thermal blanket could save your life in an emergency and make your already amazing trek through nature much more enjoyable.

Use Good Stuff Without Going Overboard

For a safe and enjoyable outing, having the right gear is essential. A hiking survival kit should include the basics for safety and comfort.

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Important items such as a map, compass, flashlight, matches or lighter, whistle, water filter/purification system, and some high-calorie snacks should always be included.

It is also a good idea to carry heat-reflective blankets, as well as other items like small tools, fire starters and emergency shelters.

As with any outdoor activity, however, it is important not to overdo it when packing your kit.

By keeping the essentials light and manageable, you can experience nature in all its glory without worrying about being weighed down by your gear.

Listen to the voice of John Muir – take only what you need, enjoy it with all your heart and soul, and leave it better than you found it.

Don’t Hike Without A Lightweight, Waterproof Fire Starter

Fire can keep you warm, cook your food, and signal for help if the need arises. Make sure your hiking survival kit includes a waterproof fire starter that you can use in any weather. It could be the difference between life and death in an emergency.

Be prepared and stay safe!

Lightweight First Aid Kit

When heading out for a hike, be sure to include a first aid kit with items such as adhesive bandages, antiseptic wipes, and antibiotic ointment.

First air kit in blue bag

Your kit should also include any medications you take regularly, as well as non-prescription pain relievers and antihistamines.

It’s best to choose items that are compact, like space-saver packets of bandages, so that you won’t be burdened with excess weight on your hike.

Your kit can also include a small flashlight in case of darkness or injury after sunset.

Upgrade: Invest In A GPS Watch

A GPS watch is a perfect addition to a hiking survival kit. Not only will it help you navigate, but it can also provide information about your environment and surroundings.

It can be used to track the weather conditions of a certain area, giving you an indication of what lies ahead on your journey.

Moreover, it has the ability to monitor your heart rate, helping you to take a break if necessary and keep yourself safe from overexertion.

With a GPS watch, you’ll be able to explore distant trails with confidence and peace of mind knowing that you will be well-equipped for any adventure.

The possibilities are endless! Embrace the wild – invest in a GPS watch and make sure that your hiking survival kit is up to date.

A Mini Roll Of Duct Tape Is Essential Survival Gear

adhesive, tape, fix

Not only can it be used to mend a broken tent or shelter, but it is also an ideal way of securing a heating element for warmth.

I have found that when one carries duct tape in their hiking bag, they are always prepared for those unexpected problems and hiccups that mother nature can bring!

Your Behavior Counts As A Survival Tool

Your behavior on the trails can be one of the most important tools for survival. When venturing away from civilization, it is recommended to remember that nature can be unpredictable and dangerous.

Therefore, it is imperative to show respect for the environment and exercise caution when exploring.

1) Always plan: Plan your route, know the terrain, and bring plenty of supplies. Knowing what to expect can help you be aware of potential risks and prepare appropriately for any situation.

2) Leave no trace: Respect the beauty of nature by following Leave No Trace principles. This means packing out trash and cleaning up after yourself, as well as respecting wildlife and not disturbing nature unnecessarily.

3) Be prepared: Bring the right gear such as a lightweight hiking survival kit, which should include items like a flashlight with extra batteries, water bottle or filter, and an emergency whistle.

4) Don’t take risks: Heed warnings and be aware of your limitations. If a trial is beyond your abilities, seek out something more suitable to your skill level.

5) Stay in touch: Let someone know where you are going when you plan to return, and the route you’re taking – just in case of an emergency. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your behavior is an effective survivor tool for your next hiking adventure.

6) Stay aware: Pay attention to the terrain and watch out for hazards like slippery rocks, unstable tree roots, or wildlife. It’s also important to be aware of changing weather patterns and the potential for storms.

7) Stay visible: Wear bright colors or reflective gear so that you are easily spotted by rescuers if needed. You should also be able to signal your location with a whistle or other signaling device in case of emergency.

8) Never go alone: It’s always best to have at least one person with you in case of an emergency. They can provide emotional support and help if needed, which could save your life.

With the right attitude, knowledge, and supplies, you’ll be ready for anything!

Ferro Rod

Is essential for any hiker. It is lightweight, capable of producing extremely hot sparks, and can last a lifetime if cared for properly. With a one on hand, you’ll never be stuck in the dark without light or warmth! Use it to start fires, signal rescue workers, and even cook your meals when you’re out on the trail.

Stormproof Matches Are A Must For Your Kit

Always make sure to keep a few in a waterproof case, so you can always have some ready in the event of an emergency.

They’re small and lightweight, but give you the ability to start a fire if needed. With matches, you can warm yourself up or cook food for fuel when out on the trail.

Reusable Cutlery Can Be Part Of Your Hiking Survival Kit And Your Everyday Backpack

Leave the plastic at home and take a reusable set of cutlery for your next hike! A dependable, lightweight set is great to have on-hand when you’re in wild places.

reusable cutlery

Eating al fresco will be effortless with these handy tools that bring convenience wherever adventure takes you – no need to sacrifice quality just because it’s outdoors dining time.

Water Purification Tablets

Every hiker knows the importance of having access to clean, safe drinking water. Water purification tablets are lightweight, items for every hiking adventure.

They can help ensure that you have access to enough hydration while out on long hikes and can even make it possible to drink from streams or other sources of untreated water.

Even in a pinch, they make it possible to turn a sketchy source of water into something safe to drink.

No Hiking Kit Is Complete Without A Mini Leatherman

This lightweight, ultra-compact tool contains an array of implements for any hiker’s needs. With its spring-action wire cutters and scissors, screwdrivers, bottle opener, and pliers, this is a must-have item in every hiker’s survival kit.

Good, Strong, Knife Is A Must For Your Hiking Survival Kit

A knife will help to quickly cut branches, draw a map in the sand, and create shelter when needed. It’s lightweight, for any hike. Make sure your knife is kept sharp at all times—you never know when you’ll need it!

Matches, knife on table

How To Keep Your Survival Kit Light

A good way to make sure your survival kit remains as light as possible is to consider what you may need in an emergency.

For example, having basic items like a fire starter, a whistle, and an emergency shelter can be essential if you find yourself needing to spend the night in the wild.

To save space, consider packing these items in small compartments or bags so they fit within your backpack.

What If I’m Just Going For A Day Hike?

Even if you’re just planning a day hike, it’s important to have the right hiking survival kit. It doesn’t have to be bulky or heavy; the lighter your pack is, the better!

You should always carry with you items that can help keep you safe and comfortable during your outing.

What’s In A Wilderness Survival Kit?

9 things you should include in your wildlife survival kit!

Mirrors and Signals

Water purification



Fishery lines and hooks

Maps and compasses

First Aid Kits

Feeder Starters

GPS, a mobile phone should not be used for navigation

Why Do You Need A Survival Kit In Hiking?

First aid equipment can help treat cuts and bruises. A survival kit can help you cope with extreme temperatures, and other unpleasant conditions until someone else helps or you get to a resource for assistance.

A Headlamp Is A Crucial Addition To Your Hiking Survival Kit

A girl staning in snow at night

It’s scary to lose a life when you’re under a sunrise. We walk six miles in darkness in Bear Country! A flashlight in the backpack will help you hike without any problem.

A new opportunity is also offered for night hikes. Moonwalking is especially interesting! Keep the headlamps charged if you buy an alternative or bring backup batteries when you go with batteries on.

Currently I carry an energy meter in my bag but I also use rechargeable headlights in all my vehicle rides.


Overall, no outing is complete without a dependable and well-stocked survival kit.

With this safety net in hand, you are more than ready for any uncertainties or obstacles that may arise along the way.

Embark on your adventure with peace of mind! It’s time to enjoy some quality outdoor time – just don’t forget your backpack!

Read more articles here.

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