Insanely Easy Tips for Camping in the Rain (Plus Rainy Day Camping Activities)

Reading Time: 13 minutes

Shelter – the most important factor in staying dry while camping

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If you don’t have a tent that can provide adequate protection from the elements, then it’s time to get creative!

Pitch your tarp up in a way that will keep you dry and build a make-shift shelter using nearby logs or tarps. Or if all else fails, huddle together with your camping companions for warmth and a little extra protection from the rain.

No matter how you decide to stay dry, make sure that whatever you use for shelter is secured properly and won’t let any rain or wind in. With the right precautions, camping in the rain can still be an enjoyable experience!

Camping In The Rain Tips

If you are looking for a unique way to get outdoors, then camping in the rain might be just what you need! It is an adventure like no other and can make your trip even more exciting.

Here are some tips on how to ensure that your wet-weather camping experience is as enjoyable and successful as possible!

1. Get the Right Gear: Make sure you have waterproof tents and clothing to keep yourself dry. Investing in a good quality raincoat can be very handy! Also, remember to bring extra blankets or sleeping bags for added warmth.

2. Choose Your Site Carefully: Make sure that the ground is flat and well-drained so that there is no water pooling around your tent. Also, try to opt for a spot that is sheltered from heavy winds and rain.

3. Be Prepared: Bring along some extra firewood and plenty of matches in case it gets too wet and you need to start an indoor campfire to keep warm.

4. Embrace the Rain: Don’t let the rain dampen your spirits, instead look for ways to make the most of it. Try playing some outdoor games in between downpours and enjoy the sound of rain hitting your tent!

Wet Clothes

Ah, wet clothes. A right of passage when it comes to camping in the rain! You know you’re a true outdoors person if you can brave the elements and tough it out in wet clothing. But just because you’ve opted for a soggy adventure doesn’t mean you have to suffer through the whole trip.

With a few quick tips, you can make sure your clothes are dry and comfortable for the entire camping trip – even in the rainiest of weather. The first step is choosing the right clothing.

Make sure to pick breathable fabrics such as nylon or polyester that wick away moisture from your skin and keep it from collecting on your clothes.

Also, layering is key – multiple layers of clothing can help keep you warm even when wet. And finally, bring a raincoat and waterproof boots to kit yourself out for soggy conditions. With these tips in mind, you’ll be sure to enjoy your camping trip without the extra burden of soggy clothes.

So, don’t let a little rain stop you from exploring the great outdoors – just come prepared and you’ll be glad you did!

Whether it’s a tent, trailer, or cabin – camping can be an adventurous getaway from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Red tents, fog

However, when mother nature decides to throw some rain into the mix, it can add a whole new level of excitement!

The rain can bring forth a few challenges – such as staying dry and keeping the fire going. However, if you come prepared with water-proof clothing, a rain tarp, and waterproof matches – these challenges can be conquered! Be sure to keep warm and cozy in your sleeping bags or under a shared blanket if you’re tent camping.

The sound of raindrops on your tent can be a lullaby to some and who doesn’t love the smell of a freshly rained-on campfire? Plus, all of that rain means lots of puddles for jumping, mud fights, and more.

So next time you plan your camping trip, don’t let the rain keep you away –

Cold Weather

Ever thought of enjoying a camping trip while getting soaked? After all, there’s nothing like experiencing the wilderness during a good downpour!

But don’t let cold weather dampen your spirits; make sure you stay cozy with these must-know tips for warming up on rainy outdoor excursions.

2 men standing in snow, red tent

1. Layer Up – Make sure to pack your wardrobe accordingly so you don’t get caught in a cold situation – arm yourself with multiple layers, from waterproof jackets and cozy socks, all the way down to heavy-duty insulated pants.

2. Wear a Hat – Your head is one of the first parts of your body to start feeling cold when temperatures drop. Make sure to bring a hat or beanie so that you can keep your head warm and dry.

3. Bring Rain Gear – Make sure to pack rain gear, such as a waterproof coat or poncho, so that you stay dry even in the wettest of weather!

4. Pack Warm Snacks & Drinks – It’s always a good idea to bring along warm snacks and drinks, like hot tea or hot chocolate, to keep your body temperature up.

By following these tips, you can make sure that you stay warm and dry while camping in the rain!

Let’s talk tarps

A tarp is your best friend when camping in the rain. It’ll keep you warm, it’ll keep you dry, and it’s essential for a successful trip!

Whether you choose to set up a makeshift shelter with poles and stakes or just string one up above your tent, a tarp is an absolute must-have for rainy camping trips.

3 guys sitting under tree camping

Plus, it’s easy to take down and pack away when the rain stops.

Keeping one handy will allow you to set up your campsite quickly and efficiently, even in wet conditions. Furthermore, tarps are lightweight and easy to transport.

You can purchase them in different shapes, sizes, and colors so there’s sure to be a tarp that suits your needs. So don’t leave for your next camping trip without packing a tarp.

Bring Waterproof Clothing

When it comes to keeping yourself warm while camping in the rain, layers are key. Wear a lightweight, waterproof jacket and pants to stay dry, then layer on sweaters and other warm clothing topped off with a hat or beanie for extra protection from the rain.

Make sure to keep your clothes as dry as possible too – if you get caught in an unexpected downpour and your clothes get soaked, change into something drier right away!

Avoid cotton clothing

When camping in the rain. Not only will it make you look like a drowned rat, but it also won’t keep you warm and dry!

Instead, opt for waterproof materials that can stand up to the elements and keep you comfortable until the sun comes out. And if you don’t want to risk your fashionable wardrobe on a rainy camping trip, don’t forget to pack a trusty raincoat and umbrella.

After all, nothing ruins a camp out quite like being soaked in the rain! With the right kind of clothing and a little bit of preparation, you can still make the most out of your rainy camping adventure.

Remember that when it comes to surviving wet weather: waterproof is always better! So, even if you don’t have all the right gear, rest assured that there are still ways to keep dry and enjoy your camping experience in any kind of weather.

Just be sure to keep an eye on the forecast before you head out so that you can pack accordingly, and maybe even plan a fun indoor activity just in case.

What’s the best rain gear for kids?

Rain gear for kids needs to be tough and durable so it can stand up to the elements. It’s best to look for waterproof fabrics, such as nylon or polyester, that will protect your little ones from rain and wind.

young child in a red snow suit

Make sure to buy a coat that is roomy enough for layers of clothing underneath. Also, consider purchasing boots that are well-insulated and have good traction so your children can stay safe even in slippery conditions.

Finally, don’t forget to pack a rain hat or umbrella for extra protection from the elements. Being prepared your kids will be ready for any adventure–even if it’s camping in the rain!

Use a plastic container to collect water runoff

If you’re camping in the rain, don’t forget to bring a plastic container with you for collecting water runoff. You can set it up on your tent and use it to collect all of the rainwater that falls on top of it! This collected water can then be used for a variety of purposes, from cleaning dishes or clothes to filling up your water bottle for drinking, to even making tea or coffee.

You could also use the collected rainwater for taking a shower in the woods! Just set up a tarp and a basin underneath it and voila—an outdoor “shower”! You could also fill up a bucket with rainwater and use it to water any plants or herbs that you brought with you.

These are just a few of the many uses for collecting water runoff while camping in the rain. With some creativity, it can be easy to find inventive ways to make the best out of your outdoor experience, even when mother nature doesn’t cooperate!

Buy a good quality waterproof tent

red tent camping by creek

It’s worth investing in a good tent since there’s nothing more miserable than trying to sleep through a storm soaking wet!

Listed are a few things to consider:

– Go for a waterproof tent that is specifically designed with taped seams and coated fabrics to keep out moisture.

– Choose one that has good ventilation options so you don’t end up with condensation inside the tent.

– Look for features like storm flaps, vestibules, or rainfly that can be adjusted or removed depending on the weather conditions.

– Make sure to buy a tent that comes with good stakes, pegs, and guylines to help secure it in windy conditions.

Change Clothes Before Bed

It’s tempting to just plop into your sleeping bag after a long day of hiking, splashing around in puddles, and dodging raindrops.

But trust us when we say that this is one habit you’ll want to break during a rainy camping trip. Take the time to change out of wet clothes before hitting the hay—you’ll be glad you did when the morning comes.

Plus, it will give you one last chance to warm up before bedtime! The extra time will also let your soggy clothing dry out a bit, so it’s not completely drenched when you wake up and pack it away in the morning.

Don’t forget to hang socks and underwear on the outside of your tent to dry overnight. Just make sure you check for rain in the forecast and choose a spot that won’t be flooded by morning!

Check the weather – forewarned is forearmed

rain dripping off green branches

If it looks like rain, pack your best rain gear and get ready for a great adventure. Embrace the weather! Get out there and splash in some puddles or go on a hunt for mushrooms, snails, frogs, and more.

Make sure you stake down your tents with extra pegs to protect against any windy gusts – don’t forget to go on a nature walk and explore your surroundings. You’ll be surprised at the amazing things you can find when camping in the rain.

And don’t forget, it always looks brighter after the rain! Enjoy the rainy day camp vibes and make some unforgettable memories.

Keep Dry Wood Under Your Car

Most people know that camping in the rain can be difficult, but what they don’t realize is that it can also be fun when you’re prepared!

One of the most important things to remember when camping in rainy conditions is to keep a stash of dry firewood under your vehicle. Even if it starts raining in the middle of the night, you’ll have a ready source of tinder and logs to get the campfire going again. And the best part?

You won’t even have to get out of your tent! So make sure you come prepared on your next wet camping trip and keep a stash of dry wood under your vehicle – it could end up saving your camping trip!

Pack Important Items in Ziploc Bags

zip lock bag

While a lot of camping gear is waterproof, you should still double-check the labels to make sure nothing gets ruined when faced with wet weather.

Ziploc bags are a great way to store important items like matches and lighters so that they remain dry and usable even during heavy rain showers.

Once inside your tent, these Ziplocs will also serve as a great way to keep your electronics and other important items safe from the wet.

Of course, nothing beats the convenience of bringing along a few umbrellas for those inevitable downpours!

Rainy Day Camping Activities

If you’re stuck camping in the rain, there are still plenty of activities you can do to keep yourself entertained! While it might not be ideal weather for outdoor activities, a little creativity can turn a dampened camping trip into the adventure of a lifetime.

List 5 activities to do on a rainy day camping.

stack of games on chair

1. Enjoy a game of cards or board games – Board games are always a great way to pass the time, no matter what the weather is like. Choose your favorite card game or break out a classic board game like Monopoly, Scrabble, or Clue.

2. Go on an indoor scavenger hunt – Take turns creating scavenger hunts for each other around your camp. For added fun, you can even make it a competition by setting time limits and awarding prizes to the quickest finder!

3. Have a movie night – Pop some popcorn, grab a blanket, and settle in for an indoor movie marathon. It’s always nice to get out of the rain and relax for a few hours.

4. Do some crafting – Whether you’re making friendship bracelets, writing your own stories, or drawing pictures, there are plenty of rainy-day activities to keep crafty campers entertained.

5. Enjoy nature – Even if it’s raining, you can still appreciate your natural surroundings. Take a walk and listen to the rain, or look for wildlife or plants that thrive in wet conditions. Nature has so much to offer – even on a rainy day!

With a little imagination and creativity, you can turn any camping into an adventure you won’t soon forget. So grab your raincoat and get ready to explore.

Create a shelter for the kitchen and living areas

If you’re out camping in the rain, it’s important to protect yourself and your gear from getting wet. If there is no sheltering tree or other structure nearby, a simple tarp can be erected over the kitchen and living areas to keep everything dry.

A few stakes into the ground and some rope will do the trick! And don’t forget to bring a brolly so you can keep yourself dry too!

That way, even when it’s raining cats and dogs, you can still enjoy your camping trip. Just think of it as cozy camping – only with rain instead of snow!

Dry your gear before you leave and when you return home

opening of a tent door

Leaving wet gear in your car or home can lead to mildew and mustiness that you’ll want to avoid. So, even if you don’t have time to dry all of your gear during the camping trip, be sure to spread it out when you get home. This will help prevent the growth of any nasty bacteria.

Also, if you’re camping in a tent, it’s super important to dry out your tent before packing it away. Not only will this help keep your tent clean and free of mildew, but it can also prevent the development of mold and other issues that can cause fabric damage over time. And once you’re done drying it out, be sure to store your tent in a dry and ventilated place.

Make sure you hang them up or spread them out so that they can fully air-dry before putting them away. It may take some time, but the extra effort will go a long way in extending the life of your camping gear.

By taking a few moments to properly dry out your gear before and after a camp out, you’ll be doing yourself (and your wallet!) a big favor! So don’t forget this simple step – it might just save you from an expensive mistake down the line.

Why is a vestibule so important?

When you are camping in the rain, having a vestibule can be a literal lifesaver! Not only does it keep you dry while entering and exiting your tent, but it also provides valuable storage space to store gear wet shoes and boots.

If you plan on camping and you are expecting rain or bad weather, don’t forget to bring along a vestibule—it’s the ultimate rainproof accessory!

Setting up a tent in the rain tips

It can be a wet and wild adventure if you’re not prepared! Nothing’s worse than having your sleeping bag and tent get soaked, so here are some tips for setting up camp in the rain:

guy in a yellow jacket

1. Bring a tarp: A tarp is essential for keeping your gear dry. Spread it out over your tent and secure the edges with rocks or stakes.

2. Bring extra tape: Tape can be used to seal gaps in tents, keep the rain out of seams, and patch torn areas.

3. Choose a spot carefully: Look for higher ground that won’t get flooded in case of heavy rainfall. Make sure to check the area for any potential hazards, like dead tree limbs or exposed roots.

4. Pitch your tent quickly: Once you’ve chosen a spot, set up your tent as fast as possible. Don’t forget to use the tarp and extra tape to keep it dry!

5. Stay warm and dry: Wear multiple layers and a waterproof jacket to keep warm and dry. Bring extra blankets in case of heavy rain.

When it’s time to pack up camp what do you do with a soggy wet tent?

If you don’t want to risk mildew and mold, then the answer is simple: take it home and give it a thorough drying before packing it away.

This may mean rearranging your schedule but considering all the effort you put into finding the perfect spot, investing in good camping gear, and setting up camp in the first place, it’s worth taking the extra time to make sure you don’t ruin all your hard work.

After all, being outdoors means accepting the weather for what it is and learning how to cope with whatever Mother Nature throws at you, whether that’s a patch of sunshine or a torrential downpour.

And as long as you remember the golden rule of camping – never put wet things in the car – you’ll be sure to enjoy your next camp out, rain or shine.


Finally, don’t forget to make the most of your time camping in the rain. After all, it’s not every day that you get to experience nature in such an intense way!

Pick a good spot and listen to the rain pitter-patter, watch the birds and other wildlife go about their day, or take the opportunity to curl up with a good book.

Rainy days at camp can be just as enjoyable as sunny ones – you just need to make sure that you’re prepared for whatever nature throws your way!

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